How to Get More Homeowners to Attend HOA Meetings in Winston Salem, NC

How to Get More Homeowners to Attend HOA Meetings in Winston Salem, NC

Think back to your last HOA board meeting. How many people were in attendance? If meeting attendance has dropped lately, your community could suffer for it.

HOA meetings allow the community to come together to discuss and vote on important matters. Low attendance rates could make voting (and enjoying your HOA benefits) difficult. Instead, read on to learn how to boost meeting attendance with this guide!

Provide Notice

Before your next HOA meeting, provide all community members with ample notice. Otherwise, they could schedule other commitments at the same time.

Remind community members of your upcoming meeting using multiple outlets. For example:

  • Mail
  • Email
  • Community newsletters
  • Signs on bulletin boards
  • Social media pages
  • A member portal

Using online communication methods can help you appeal to younger homeowners. Younger generations prefer to communicate digitally rather than in person.

Providing community members with ample notice will encourage them to save the date. Using online communication methods will allow you to automate reminders.

Your notice should provide members with a time and place for the meeting. Confirm that the venue is big enough to accommodate everyone in attendance. If the space forces guests to stand, they may decide to leave.

If you're still struggling to boost meeting attendance, consider hosting virtual meetings. Homeowners can attend the meeting whether at home or on the go. Virtual meetings are ideal for short, efficient meetings.

Plan Efficient Meetings

To ensure on-task, efficient meetings, plan the agenda beforehand. Speak with the HOA board to determine which items are a priority.

Highlight which topics you plan to cover when sending your meeting notices. People may be more inclined to attend if they understand important matters are on the docket. If you don't mention the agenda, the meeting may not spark their interest.

During the meeting, don't deviate from the agenda. Otherwise, the meeting could drag on. Don't forget to document the meeting minutes to send to HOA board leadership later.

Make It Fun

HOA board meetings don't have to feel dull. Instead, make it fun. Plan a small event after the meeting, such as a game, socializing event, or raffle.

Remind members that they must attend the meeting to participate in the event. Consider offering food and beverages to entice people.

Simplify Managing an HOA

If you're struggling to boost meeting attendance, hire an association management company. Your HOA property manager can inform members of upcoming meetings, send out notices, and ensure meetings stay on topic.

Outsourcing can simplify managing an HOA for you and the board. You can focus more time and attention on other matters to ensure the community's success.

Boost Attendance at Your HOA Meetings

Your future HOA meetings shouldn't be full of empty seats. Instead, use these tips to boost meeting attendance and pack the house! Remember, you don't have to do it all alone.

PMI of the Triad has nearly 20 years of experience helping communities like yours thrive. We have a strong record of success and the awards to prove it. Contact us today for help managing your HOA!
